Characterization of Basic 5-Value Spectrum Functions Through Walsh-Hadamard Transform


The first and the third authors recently introduced a spectral construction of plateaued and of 5-value spectrum functions. In particular, the design of the latter class requires a specification of integers $\{W(u)\colon u \in {F}_2^n\}$, where $W(u) \in \{0, \pm 2n+s_1/2, \pm 2n+s_2/2\}$, so that the sequence $\{W(u)\colon u \in \mathbb{F}^n_2\}$ is a valid spectrum of a Boolean function (recovered using the inverse Walsh transform). Technically, this is done by allocating a suitable Walsh support $S = S[1] \cup S[2] \subset \mathbb{F}^n_2$, where $S[i]$ corresponds to those $u \in \mathbb{F}^n_2 $ for which $W(u) = \pm 2n+s_i/2$. In addition, two dual functions $g[i]\colon S[i] \to \mathbb{F}^n_2$ (with $\# S[i] = 2^{\lambda_i}$) are employed to specify the signs through $W(u) = 2n+ s_i /2 (-1)^{g[i]} (u)$ for $u \in S[i]$ whereas $W(u) = 0$ for $u \notin S$. In this work, two closely related problems are considered. Firstly, the specification of plateaued functions (duals) $g[i]$, which additionally satisfy the so-called totally disjoint spectra property, is fully characterized (so that $W(u)$ is a spectrum of a Boolean function) when the Walsh support $S$ is given as a union of two disjoint affine subspaces $S[i]$. Especially, when plateaued dual functions $g[i]$ themselves have affine Walsh supports, an efficient spectral design that utilizes arbitrary bent functions (as duals of $g[i]$) on the corresponding ambient spaces is given. The problem of specifying affine inequivalent 5-value spectra functions is also addressed and an efficient construction method that ensures the inequivalence property is derived (sufficient condition being a selection of affine inequivalent duals). In the second part of this work, we investigate duals of plateaued functions with affine Walsh supports. For a given such plateaued function, we show that different orderings of its Walsh support which are employing the Sylvester-Hadamard recursion actually induce bent duals which are affine equivalent.

IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
dr. Samir Hodžić
dr. Samir Hodžić
Assistant Professor
dr. Enes Pasalic
dr. Enes Pasalic
Full Professor, Head of the center
